For those interested in getting MORE great stuff from the team, we’ve put together a Patreon site to share additional content.
There are currently two levels: Free (Analyst level) and a paid $3/month all-you-can-eat buffet of extra stuff (Senior Associate level).
Check it out, hit the button and subscribe and get closer to us and our extended network of cool cats.
The paid Senior Associate level gains access to exclusive content that never made it to the free episodes. You’ll also help us choose topics for upcoming episodes, be invited to live recording sessions with interactive Q&A, and hear about promotions and special events before the regular cats.
Currently, all of Season 1 is available on Patreon. That is the 12 full episodes which are all still free. The paid tier gains access to 12 “Extra Bits” posts with close to SIX HOURS of additional content that has never been aired before.
Check out what Phil and I had to say about it during a recent stop at Liability Brewing, one of our favorite breweries in Greenville, SC.