Episode 34: The One About Philosophy

If you live in the real world, if you practice your profession in the real world, then you’ll know the real world loves throwing crap at you whenever it can.

The challenges come at us from every angle: family, work, friends, clients, colleagues, children, culture, technology, politics, pandemics… just to name a few.

How on Earth is your average consultant expected to navigate this, continue to be productive, and stay sane?

One way is by adopting and applying certain philosophies as frameworks for interacting with our world and our work.

I have some friends that are interested (and knowledgeable) in this area and I sat them down for a chat. Added to this group is my friend Nathan Allchin who spent quite a bit of time in AI research and has been a management consultant for, well, for ever.

In our conversation:

  • Why would anyone need a framework like this to begin with?
  • Why would a consultant need a philosophy?
  • What types of problems would we expect to solve by applying philosophy to consulting?
  • What philosophies or frameworks might one apply?
  • Are philosophies really just like architecture frameworks in that they’re highly context dependent? Or is there a one-philosophy-fits-all kind of thing out there?
  • Where could a consultant/practitioner go to learn more?

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