What is an architect? What is architecture? In the business technology context, is architecture a profession? What do architects do? A quick Google search reveals an endless debate on these topics that’s been raging for several decades. Let’s add more fuel to that fire and stir that pot…
This episode is the third in a mashup series on this topic that began with an episode of IASA Global’s “The Argument” podcast hosted by Paul Preiss (https://youtu.be/A6Bli8FYXz0) and continued in an episode of the “Architect Tomorrow” podcast hosted by Oliver Cronk (https://youtu.be/e6Q5y2o6JWU). Check these out as they each have a thematic take on architecture!
While I enjoy a good endless debate with smart people, I wanted to focus on the topic of Architecture through the lens of Consulting. Joining me is Phil Yanov, Oliver Cronk, Whynde Kuehn and Chris Potts. Chris is an internationally recognized enterprise architect and mentor for small and large businesses across industries. He’s also the author of a number of business novels about change called The FruITion Triology (https://technicspub.com/the-fruition-series/).
In this episode:
- Consulting is known as a profession. Is architecture a profession?
- Can any consultant become an architect?
- Are architects actually consultants?
- Is there a difference between an architect inside a company versus an architect in a consulting firm?
- What skills do architects have versus consultants?
This episode represents the third entry in the Podcast Mashup series representing the following totally awesome podcasts:
Architect Tomorrow – https://youtube.com/ArchitectTomorrow/ Business Architecture Straight Talk https://bit.ly/st-podcasts https://bizarchmastery.com/straighttalk
Consultants Saying Things – https://www.consultantssayingthings.com
The Argument by IASA – https://iasaglobal.org/Public/Public/Events/Use-as-templates/TheArgument.aspx
Tech After Five – https://www.techafterfive.com/
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